A voicemail is a recorded message that may be accessed later via an electronic storage device after the caller has hung up. Depending on the corporate phone system in place, the receiver may access the archived message via various devices.(1) There are many social media platforms these days, and mobile phones are saturated with messages every day. No doubt, many of these messages go even unnoticed. Those days are long gone when you have some time to respond to all of your voice messages.(2)
Android has some spectacular inbuilt Voicemail options and supports Voicemail Apps. Android devices support some visual voice mail as well. You can send birthday wishes to your friends and family with these emails. Through Voicemail Apps, communication can be improved. A complete overview of a message can get by using voice mail apps.
Important messages cannot be missed if you use these apps in your everyday life. These apps are very important when your phone is the on-off mode, out of reach, or traveling. Various applications provide you with a good experience with voicemails.
Why You need Voicemail Apps?
Some of these apps are made to visualize voice mails. Through these emails, you can easily record messages. Voicemail Apps can serve you as a personal assistant as well. Even if you are unavailable, you can convey messages to other people. If you are in a meeting or cannot answer the calls because of your busy schedule, you need to install a great Voicemail App.(3)
Yet if you get some voicemails daily? You cannot listen to them all that you receive in a day. That is why some visual voice mails are also in the market to facilitate you in this situation. You have to read these emails and remove the unimportant stuff from your mailing list.
There are many benefits of Voicemails and visual mail; for instance, if you are in an airport lounge, your mobile has 10 emails and a suitcase. Then you can easily listen to and watch these mail to maximize productivity in minimum time. Visual Voicemail doesn’t need to, so you can hear them very easily.(4)
List of Voicemail Apps You Should Try
Many applications are used to send voicemail messages. These emails are used to send birthday wishes and Christmas greetings as well. Many important official messages can also send in this form. So in this list, these apps are feature-filled and hand-picked.(5) Let us discuss these apps one by one in detail.
1. Google Voice
Google Voicemail is the best app specially designed for Android devices. If you need Voicemail Apps, then don’t go anywhere else. With Google Mail, you will get a fantastic experience. The application is very easy to use, and its setup is very simple.

All voice mails can be stored in your history and can also be searched if you need them. There is an option to transcribe these voicemails, or you can read them from within the app itself. The application has a multi-device functionality.
No matter whether you are using a personal computer or your smartphone. The app supports some other languages like Spanish, which is an additional advantage of this app. So if you want to wish your birthday to your friends, use this mail. Go and download it from the official website.
2. Voxist
Are you annoyed with the other Voicemail Services? Or are they not working as efficiently as you want? Then get your hands on Voxist. It is free to use and one of the best Voicemail Apps for Android. The app engages you and your clients with customized and personalized emails and greeting messages.

Voxist is ad-free, which is why very popular among people worldwide. This app greets your callers by their names. You can see all the voicemails on one screen, which makes it very easy for you to manage them. If you don’t like to listen to voicemails, then transcribe them and text them back to you will get them in a visual form. This app is available in paid version as well. So download the free version and try the app.
3. YouMail
YouMail is another excellent voicemail app for Android. It is also a spam and robocall blocker. Millions of users from all over the world trust this app because of its amazing features. It is a free voicemail app for Android.

YouMail can record high-quality voicemails, and can personalize many greetings for your callers. The app allows you to save up to 100 voicemails and arrange them by date and contact. The app offers you to forward and share emails right within the application.
YouMail is very great in its efficiency and working. Suppose you want to wish a wedding anniversary to your sister, then don’t wait and make a personalized surprise for her and wish her in a great way. So don’t wait; go and download the app.
4. My Visual Voicemail
This is one of the best voicemail apps for Android. The list comes with another great application that is My Visual Voicemail. It is a free voicemail app for Android. You can get a different experience of accessing voicemails. Through this app, you can listen to the messages and read them as these messages can be converted into transcribed.

You can read these messages anywhere, anytime. These emails can be responded to with just one click. You can manage your inbox without dialing any voicemail. My Visual Voicemail is a free-to-use app that you can use without changing your voicemail number since its first launch.
The app also adds a widget to your Home Screen if you long-press the space and select My Visual Voicemail. Through this app, you can get easier access to your voicemails. You can easily navigate the unread messages. From onward, you will not miss any important messages.
5. InstaVoice
InstaVoice is one of the best Voicemail apps for Android. The app contains a visual voicemail feature as well. It is a free voicemail app for Android. The app provides you with missed call alerts and voices SMS as well.

This app can become your virtual assistant to answer incoming calls when you are busy. This app is available for you every time to ensure that any important email cannot be missed. Once you install the Insta Voice, you can easily manage your voicemails and missed calls in a chat-type interface.
The app allows you to differentiate between who calls you and sends you only voicemails when your mobile phone is off. InstaVoice keeps your privacy so that no email can run one after another. This app also features unlimited storage on the cloud that provides sufficient space for your voicemails. So try to download the app and enjoy your voicemails.
6. Base Visual Voicemail
Are you looking for the best voicemail app for Android? Then you are in the right place. Base Visual Voicemail can be easily used to view and manage your voicemails. This amazing app is designed to provide you with a very fine experience with Voicemail.

This is the voicemail app that works efficiently. It is a free Voicemail App for Android. This app provides you with a complete list of messages, and you can select any message to listen to it first. You have to be connected with a proper internet connection or with Wi-Fi. The app also allows you to delete and share messages.
You can easily respond to any notification by using this app. You can easily pause, stop, forward, or rewind the messages when listening to the voice mails. If you have some important messages that you have to respond to, you have to click on them and call or SMS, and here you go.
7. HulloMail
HulloMail is another best Voicemail app for Android. It is one of the Voicemails that work very efficiently. Thumbtel Ltd Communication presents the app. This team of developers offers you an enormous visual app for Voicemail that can easily handle your phone calls.

The app contains many features in it. The app allows you to scan your Voicemail into a text message like your inbox. The app not only checks your voicemails but also blocks them if you don’t want to see them again. The app works efficiently for Android smartphones and iPhones as well.
You can read the transcription of emails; no need to listen to them all one by one. The app has a time efficiency, so you can easily follow up on which mail to choose first. You can make backups of your voicemails and then delete them from the storage. This is a free voicemail app for Android. Go and download it.
8. Google Voice
Are you a frequent user of all the Google Products? Then you cannot miss this Voicemail App. This is a free Voicemail App for Android. Formerly the app was known as Grand Central, but then Google purchased it. This app is very old and famous because of its amazing features.

The app has an easy setup that improves your experience. This app is much easier for you if you already have a Google account. The app provides you with a free phone number that you can set on your device. The app can transcribe your voicemails into text messages and send them to your inbox to email you again.
Google Voice can provide transcripts in Spanish as well. This app contains a searchable message history also. You can search any of the older messages from the history. This amazing app enables you to send or receive a message from any device. This app supports international calling at competitive rates for professional use.
9. AT&T
AT&T is one of the excellent Voicemail Apps. It is a free Voicemail App for Android. This is one of the professional voice mail apps that work efficiently. The app allows you to track and access Voicemail directly from your mobile phone.

When you receive a mail, a pop-up on the status bar alerts, and from there, you can now access that Voicemail. AT&T has many unique features that you would like to use. It can play messages in any sequence that you want. The app can read out the text transcription of your messages and save all of your messages to the storage of your smartphone memory.
The app allows you to forward call to another virtual number on your smartphone. However, if you want to access Wi-Fi for calls, your smartphone must have a cellular data connection. Overall, the app is amazing, so go and download the app.
10. Talkroute
Talkroute is one of the amazing Voicemail for Android. It is the Voicemail App that works very efficiently. The app allows you to make outbound calls by using your Talkroute number. The app can use your Talkroute call history to return and manage your business calls.

This app also automatically checks voicemail messages and manages your Mail’s inbox. You can easily receive and send messages through this app. You can switch between numerous Talkroute phone numbers anytime you want to change.
The app allows you to set up push notifications for text messages and voice messages. Through this application, you can now look and sound professional. You can keep your phone number private with this Android app. So the app is very fantastic. Try to download it to make it easy to send voicemail messages to your friends or office mates.
11. MetroPCS
MetroPCS is another amazing Voicemail app for Android that is free to use. The app can handle and control all types of messages very efficiently. Through this Voicemail, you can easily transfer outgoing and incoming Voicemail and messages to the inbox.

This app allows you to listen to your mails in an order. You can update your contacts. Your inbox can be controlled easily, and replies can be sent with a single click. You will probably receive email notifications when your wireless network is not working, or the handset is also silent or moderately off.
After some time, you can access all of your messages received previously by email. After receiving and accessing these messages, you can update them and make them visual Voicemail as unread messages and put them on your home screen to easily track your unseen and unread messages.
12. Ooma
Ooma is one of the high-quality Voicemail Apps and phone services. It is a free Voicemail App for Android. The app allows you to check your calls and emails anytime, anywhere easily. You can receive your call even if you are not at home.

With this mail service, you can manage all of your voicemails smoothly and conveniently. Though this app cannot transcribe voicemails, you can completely listen to and delete messages through this app. This amazing app also provides you with high-quality phone service.
So now onward, you don’t need to worry about the cellular you can use with an ordinary internet connection. Are you looking for an all-in-one phone and mail service? Then Ooma is the best option for you because this is also called the Voicemail App Samsung. Try to download the app and enjoy your voicemails.
13. Cisco Jabber
Cisco Jabber is one of the amazing Voicemail Apps for Android. The app provides you instant messaging service, video and voice calling, and cloud messaging, and also it has a voicemail ability on Android phones.

You can make conference calls through the Cisco Jabber app. This is a high-quality voicemail app that provides you with all types of calls and messages. You can send and receive notifications anywhere, anytime, through this app.
Your text emails can be easily transcribed into voicemails to listen to them if you have a busy routine. Through this app, official online meetings can also be controlled and managed. It is a visual voicemail app. The app can escalate to a WebEx meeting with just one tap. So download the app for your personal and official use.
Final Words
In this World of Technological advancement, after SMS and MMS, voice mails and visual emails are nowhere to serve you. These emails provide you with a very fine experience if you have a very busy and hectic schedule. These Voicemail Apps can be used for official use and can be used to send personal greeting messages to your friends and family.
These apps are completely safe and don’t need any strong internet connection. With an ordinary connection, these emails can work efficiently. Just go and download any of your favorite Voicemail and get a chance to update your mailing experience.
- Mitel (2022). “What Is Voicemail?” https://www.mitel.com/features-benefits/voicemail
- Whittaker, S., Hirschberg, J., Amento, B., (2002). “SCANMail: a voicemail interface that makes speech browsable, readable and searchable.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/503376.503426
- Kapoor, A. (2020). “7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Voicemail Apps?” DevGenius https://blog.devgenius.io/7-reasons-why-your-business-needs-voicemail-apps-f779271c04f1
- Mail, Y. (2023). “5 Reasons Why You Need Voicemail” YouMail https://blog.youmail.com/2016/03/5-reasons-why-you-need-voicemail/
- Chen, M. (2022). “Top 9 Best Voicemail Apps for Android in 2023” Notta https://www.notta.ai/en/blog/voicemail-app-android
- Wang, J. (2015). “The design and implementation of voice mailbox system based on VoIP” IEEE Xplore https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7339132